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[Solved] Given an integer n, return a string with n characters such that each character in such string occurs an odd number of times. The returned string must contain only lowercase English letters. If there are multiples valid strings, return any of them.  

Question Given an integer n, return a string with n characters such that each character in such string occurs an odd number of times. The returned string must contain only lowercase English letters. If there are multiples valid strings, return any of them.   Example 1: Input: n = 4 Output: “pppz” Explanation: “pppz” is a valid string since the character ‘p’ occurs […]

[Solved] Given an integer n, return a string with n characters such that each character in such string occurs an odd number of times. The returned string must contain only lowercase English letters. If there are multiples valid strings, return any of them.   Read More »

Leetcode solutions MLP Feature Image

[Solved] Given the array nums, for each nums[i] find out how many numbers in the array are smaller than it. That is, for each nums[i] you have to count the number of valid j’s such that j != i and nums[j] < nums[i]. Return the answer in an array.

Question Given the array nums, for each nums[i] find out how many numbers in the array are smaller than it. That is, for each nums[i] you have to count the number of valid j’s such that j != i and nums[j] < nums[i]. Return the answer in an array. Example 1: Input: nums = [8,1,2,2,3] Output: [4,0,1,1,3] Explanation: For nums[0]=8 there exist four smaller numbers

[Solved] Given the array nums, for each nums[i] find out how many numbers in the array are smaller than it. That is, for each nums[i] you have to count the number of valid j’s such that j != i and nums[j] < nums[i]. Return the answer in an array. Read More »

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[Solved] Given a m x n matrix grid which is sorted in non-increasing order both row-wise and column-wise, return the number of negative numbers in grid.

Question Given a m x n matrix grid which is sorted in non-increasing order both row-wise and column-wise, return the number of negative numbers in grid. Example 1: Input: grid = [[4,3,2,-1],[3,2,1,-1],[1,1,-1,-2],[-1,-1,-2,-3]] Output: 8 Explanation: There are 8 negatives number in the matrix. Example 2: Input: grid = [[3,2],[1,0]] Output: 0 Constraints: m == grid.length n == grid[i].length 1 <= m, n <=

[Solved] Given a m x n matrix grid which is sorted in non-increasing order both row-wise and column-wise, return the number of negative numbers in grid. Read More »

Leetcode solutions MLP Feature Image

[Solved] You are given an m x n binary matrix mat of 1’s (representing soldiers) and 0’s (representing civilians). The soldiers are positioned in front of the civilians. That is, all the 1’s will appear to the left of all the 0’s in each row.

Question You are given an m x n binary matrix mat of 1‘s (representing soldiers) and 0‘s (representing civilians). The soldiers are positioned in front of the civilians. That is, all the 1‘s will appear to the left of all the 0‘s in each row. A row i is weaker than a row j if one of the following is true: The number of soldiers in row i is less than the number of soldiers

[Solved] You are given an m x n binary matrix mat of 1’s (representing soldiers) and 0’s (representing civilians). The soldiers are positioned in front of the civilians. That is, all the 1’s will appear to the left of all the 0’s in each row. Read More »

Leetcode solutions MLP Feature Image

[Solved] You are given a string s consisting only of letters ‘a’ and ‘b’. In a single step you can remove one palindromic subsequence from s. Return the minimum number of steps to make the given string empty.

Question You are given a string s consisting only of letters ‘a’ and ‘b’. In a single step you can remove one palindromic subsequence from s. Return the minimum number of steps to make the given string empty. A string is a subsequence of a given string if it is generated by deleting some characters of a given string without changing its order. Note that a subsequence does not necessarily need to

[Solved] You are given a string s consisting only of letters ‘a’ and ‘b’. In a single step you can remove one palindromic subsequence from s. Return the minimum number of steps to make the given string empty. Read More »

Leetcode solutions MLP Feature Image

[Solved] Given a binary tree root and an integer target, delete all the leaf nodes with value target.

Question Given a binary tree root and an integer target, delete all the leaf nodes with value target. Note that once you delete a leaf node with value target, if its parent node becomes a leaf node and has the value target, it should also be deleted (you need to continue doing that until you cannot). Example 1: Input: root = [1,2,3,2,null,2,4], target =

[Solved] Given a binary tree root and an integer target, delete all the leaf nodes with value target. Read More »

Leetcode solutions MLP Feature Image

[Solved] You are given a positive integer num consisting only of digits 6 and 9. Return the maximum number you can get by changing at most one digit (6 becomes 9, and 9 becomes 6).

Question You are given a positive integer num consisting only of digits 6 and 9. Return the maximum number you can get by changing at most one digit (6 becomes 9, and 9 becomes 6). Example 1: Input: num = 9669 Output: 9969 Explanation: Changing the first digit results in 6669. Changing the second digit results in 9969. Changing the third digit results in 9699. Changing the fourth

[Solved] You are given a positive integer num consisting only of digits 6 and 9. Return the maximum number you can get by changing at most one digit (6 becomes 9, and 9 becomes 6). Read More »

Leetcode solutions MLP Feature Image

[Solved] No-Zero integer is a positive integer that does not contain any 0 in its decimal representation. Given an integer n, return a list of two integers [A, B] where:

Question No-Zero integer is a positive integer that does not contain any 0 in its decimal representation. Given an integer n, return a list of two integers [A, B] where: A and B are No-Zero integers. A + B = n The test cases are generated so that there is at least one valid solution. If there are many valid solutions you can return any of them.

[Solved] No-Zero integer is a positive integer that does not contain any 0 in its decimal representation. Given an integer n, return a list of two integers [A, B] where: Read More »

Leetcode solutions MLP Feature Image

[Solved] Given the root of a binary tree, return the sum of values of nodes with an even-valued grandparent. If there are no nodes with an even-valued grandparent, return 0. A grandparent of a node is the parent of its parent if it exists.

Question Given the root of a binary tree, return the sum of values of nodes with an even-valued grandparent. If there are no nodes with an even-valued grandparent, return 0. A grandparent of a node is the parent of its parent if it exists. Example 1: Input: root = [6,7,8,2,7,1,3,9,null,1,4,null,null,null,5] Output: 18 Explanation: The red nodes are the nodes with even-value grandparent while

[Solved] Given the root of a binary tree, return the sum of values of nodes with an even-valued grandparent. If there are no nodes with an even-valued grandparent, return 0. A grandparent of a node is the parent of its parent if it exists. Read More »

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