Abhishek Sharma

Abhishek Sharma

Started my Data Science journey in my 2nd year of college and since then continuously into it because of the magical powers of ML and continuously doing projects in almost every domain of AI like ML, DL, CV, NLP.

[Solved] You are a product manager and currently leading a team to develop a new product. Unfortunately, the latest version of your product fails the quality check. Since each version is developed based on the previous version, all the versions after a bad version are also bad.

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Question You are a product manager and currently leading a team to develop a new product. Unfortunately, the latest version of your product fails the quality check. Since each version is developed based on the previous version, all the versions…

[Solved] You are given an array of integers nums, there is a sliding window of size k which is moving from the very left of the array to the very right. You can only see the k numbers in the window. Each time the sliding window moves right by one position.

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Question You are given an array of integers nums, there is a sliding window of size k which is moving from the very left of the array to the very right. You can only see the k numbers in the window. Each time the sliding…

[Solved] Given an integer array nums, return an array answer such that answer[i] is equal to the product of all the elements of nums except nums[i].

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Question Given an integer array nums, return an array answer such that answer[i] is equal to the product of all the elements of nums except nums[i]. The product of any prefix or suffix of nums is guaranteed to fit in a 32-bit integer. You must write an algorithm that runs in O(n) time and without using the…