Python Program to Check Armstrong Number – 2025

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Hey guys, in this blog we will see a Python Program to Check Armstrong Numbers.

An Armstrong number is simply a number that equals the sum of the cube of all its digits. For example 371, it is an Armstrong number, and the following is the proof.

371 = (3)3 + (7)3 + (1)3
371 = 27 + 343 + 1
371 = 371


# Python program to check if the number is an Armstrong number or not

# take input from the user
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

# initialize sum
sum = 0

# find the sum of the cube of each digit
temp = num
while temp > 0:
   digit = temp % 10
   sum += digit ** 3
   temp //= 10

# display the result
if num == sum:
   print(num,"is an Armstrong number")
   print(num,"is not an Armstrong number")


Enter a number: 231
231 is not an Armstrong number
Enter a number: 407
407 is an Armstrong number
Enter a number: 371
371 is an Armstrong number

Here we are checking the same condition we defined above about Armstrong Numbers.

In our while loop,

  • We are extracting digit by digit
  • Cubing it
  • Removing the extracted digit from our num
  • And adding the cube to our sum

Suppose num = 371
So temp is also 371.
digit = temp%10 = 1
temp = temp//10 = 37

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