Leap Year Program in Python – 2024

Hey guys, in this blog we will see a Leap Year Program in Python.


# Leap Year Program in Python

year = input('Input the year -> ')

year = int(year)

# divided by 100 means century year (ending with 00)
# century year divided by 400 is leap year
if (year % 400 == 0) and (year % 100 == 0):
    print("{0} is a leap year".format(year))

# not divided by 100 means not a century year
# year divided by 4 is a leap year
elif (year % 4 ==0) and (year % 100 != 0):
    print("{0} is a leap year".format(year))

# if not divided by both 400 (century year) and 4 (not century year)
# year is not leap year
    print("{0} is not a leap year".format(year))


Input the year -> 2024
2024 is a leap year
Input the year -> 2023
2023 is not a leap year
Input the year -> 2021
2021 is not a leap year

So here we are checking 2 conditions for a year to be a leap year:

  1. Either It should be fully divisible by 400 and 100 both to be a Leap Year.
  2. Or it should be fully divisible by 4 and not by 100 then also it is a Leap Year.
  3. Else it’s not a Leap Year.

So this is how we can check if a year is a Leap Year or not.

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