[Latest] 20+ Top Machine Learning Projects with Source Code – 2025

machine learning projects with source code 2023

Hey guys, we will see some of the Best and Unique Machine Learning Projects with Source Codes in today’s blog. This is going to be a very interesting blog, so without any further due, let’s do it…

Machine Learning is a rapidly evolving field that has gained immense popularity due to its ability to make predictions and decisions based on patterns and data. It has revolutionized various industries, including healthcare, finance, marketing, and more. If you are interested in exploring machine learning and want to dive into practical implementation, working on machine learning projects with source code is an excellent way to start.

Source code projects provide valuable hands-on experience and allow you to understand the intricacies of machine learning algorithms, data preprocessing, model training, and evaluation. These projects also enable you to grasp the practical aspects of solving real-world problems using machine-learning techniques. Here, we will discuss some popular machine learning projects with source code that you can explore:

1. Youtube Comments Extraction and Sentiment Analysis Flask App

Hey, guys in this blog we will implement Youtube Comments Extraction and Sentiment Analysis in Python using Flask. It is going to be a very interesting project.

Snapshots of our App

Home Screen

Youtube Comments Extraction and Sentiment Analysis - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code
Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

Results Screen

Youtube Comments Extraction and Sentiment Analysis - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code


Youtube Comments Extraction and Sentiment Analysis - wordcloud - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code
Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

Working of our Youtube Comments Extraction and Sentiment Analysis App…

  • On the main page, we first enter/paste a youtube video url whose comments we need to analyze.
  • Then we click on the ‘Analyse Comments‘ button.
  • As soon as we hit the above button, our scrapper starts scraping comments from that video.
  • Now that we have a list of all the scraped comments, we will then clean these comments and run a sentiment analysis model on these cleaned comments.
  • A list of these cleaned comments along with their sentiment is sent on the results page.
  • All the POSITIVE sentiment comments have a green background, all NEGATIVE sentiment comments have a red background and all NEUTRAL comments have a gray background.
  • In the menu bar, we have a wordcloud option that will open up a wordcloud (as shown above) created accordingly from the scraped comments for a respective video.

Working Video of our App

2. HealthCure – an all-in-one medical solution – medical project

This is a project that I chose as my college’s final year major project and guess what, it went pretty well. This project uses various advanced techniques like CNNs, VGGs, XGBoost, etc for performing 7 disease detections. This is one of the best Machine learning projects with source code in Python.

7 disease detections:

  • Covid-19 Detection
  • Brain Tumour Detection
  • Breast Cancer Detection
  • Alzheimer Detection
  • Diabetes Detection
  • Pneumonia Detection
  • Heart Disease Detection

Snapshot of Covid-19 Detection Page

Covid-19 detection Machine learning projects with source code in Python
Main Page
Covid-19 detection Machine learning projects with source code in Python

These 7 detections are Covid Detection, Alzheimer Detection, Brain Tumor Detection, Breast Cancer Detection, Pneumonia Detection, Heart Disease Detection, and Diabetes Detection.

This project can be your B.Tech. final year Machine learning project. I myself made this as my final year major project.

Working video of our App

How to run Healthcure App

3. Realtime Number Plate Detection using Yolov7

Hey guys, in this blog we will see how to perform Number Plate Detection using YOLOv7 by training the YOLOv7 on our custom number plate data.

YOLOv7 is the new state-of-the-art real-time object detection model.

You can use it for different industrial applications. Also, you can optimize the model, that is, converting the model to ONNX, TensorRT, etc, which will increase the throughput and run the edge devices.

Sneak at our Number Plate Detection using Yolov7

4. Leaf Disease Detection Flask App

Leaf disease detection is a critical issue for farmers and agriculturalists. The detection of leaf diseases at an early stage can help prevent the spread of diseases and ensure a better yield. However, manual detection of leaf diseases is time-consuming and often inaccurate. With the advancement of technology, machine learning, and computer vision techniques can be used to develop automated solutions for leaf disease detection.

In this article, we will discuss the development of a Leaf Disease Detection Flask App that uses a deep learning model to automatically detect the presence of leaf diseases.

Main Screen

Leaf Disease Detection - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code
Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

Result Screen

Leaf Disease Detection - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code
Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

Working Video of our App

5. Background Remover Flask App using Python

Hey guys, in this blog we will see how we can build a background remover flask app using Python. So without any further due, let’s do it…

Result Samples

Example 1:

Background Remover Flask App - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

Example 2:

Background Remover Flask App - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

Working Video of our App

6. Object Detection using SSD

In this blog, we will use Single Shot Detections for performing Object Detection using SSD in the simplest way possible. SSDs are very fast in Object Detection when compared to those big boys like R-CNN or Fast R-CNN, etc. This is going to be a very fun project with endless use cases.

7. Social Distancing using YOLOv3 – Object Detection

This is also a very advanced project in which I used object detection on a camera’s live feed or video to check if Social Distancing is being followed or not in a locality. This project also has endless future scopes.

Working Video of our App

This project can be your B.Tech final year Machine learning project.

8. Face Recognition-Based Attendance System – Flask App – With GUI

So guys here comes the most awaited project of machine learning Face Recognition-based Attendance System. As the name says this project takes attendance using biometrics (in this case face) and is one of the most famous projects among college students out there. I have tried to make the project the easiest way possible.

Snapshots of our App…

Face Recognition-based Attendance System Home Page…

Face Recognition-based Attendance System - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code
Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

List Users Page…

Face Recognition-based Attendance System - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code
Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

Attendance Sheet

Face Recognition-based Attendance System - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

Working Video of our App

9. Self-Organizing Maps

In this blog, we will see how we can implement self-organizing maps in Python. This is going to be a very short blog. So without any further due, Let’s do it…

Final Results…

Self Organizing maps - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code
Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

10. Pedestrian Detection using HOGs in Python

In this project, we will perform pedestrian detection using HOG short for Histogram for Gradients. HOGs are great feature detectors and can also be used for object detection with SVM but due to many other State of the Art object detection algorithms like YOLO, and SSD, present out there, we don’t use HOGs much for object detection.

Pedestrian Detection using HOG Machine learning projects with source code in Python
Machine learning projects with source code in Python

11. IPL Score Prediction with Flask app

In this project, I built an IPL Score Prediction model using Ridge Regression which is just an upgraded form of Linear Regression. We have the IPL data from 2008 to 2017. We will also be building a beautiful-looking interactive Flask model.

Working Video of our App

12. Weight Category prediction using Random Forest

In this project, I performed the weight category prediction of a person given height, weight, and gender with the help of the Random Forest algorithm.

Checkout the code walkthrough

13. How to perform Face Recognition using KNN

So in this blog, we will see how we can perform Face Recognition using KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm) and Haar cascades. Haar cascades are very fast as compared to other ways of detecting faces (like MTCNN) but with an accuracy tradeoff. Its accuracy is a bit less when compared with these big boys like MTCNNs.

We will be seeing 2 scripts in this blog:

  • The first is for adding a new face.
  • The second is for real-time Face Recognition using KNN.

14. Flight Price Prediction with Flask app – with data visualizations

So guys this is yet another one of the most favorite projects of mine. In this blog, I implemented a Flight Price Prediction model using different techniques and also I performed very frequent data visualizations to better understand our data. 

Flight Price Prediction Machine learning projects with source code in Python
Machine learning projects with source code in Python

Working Video of our App

15. House Price Prediction – USA Housing Data

House Price Prediction Project proves to be the Hello World of the Machine Learning world. It is a very easy project which simply uses Linear Regression to predict house prices. This is going to be a very short project.

Checkout the code walkthrough

16. Stock Sentiment Analysis using headlines

In this project, we will see how we can perform stock sentiment analysis using the headlines of a newspaper. We will predict if the stock market will go up or down. This is a simple but very interesting project due to its prediction power.

17. Wine Quality Prediction

In this blog, we will build a simple Wine Quality Prediction model using the Random Forest algorithm.

Checkout the code walkthrough

18. Bank Note Authentication using Random Forest

In this blog, we will see how we can perform Bank Note Authentication or how we can classify Bank Notes into fake or authentic classes based on numeric features like variance, skewness, kurtosis, and entropy.

19. Flipkart Reviews extraction and sentiment analysis with Flask app

This is a very interesting blog where we will be performing Flipkart Reviews extraction and sentiment analysis and also we will be building a beautiful-looking Flask app to show everything. 

Working Video of our App

20. How to find the most dominant colors in an image using KMeans clustering

In this blog, we will find the most dominant colors in an image using the K-means clustering algorithm, this is a very interesting project and personally one of my favorites because of its simplicity and power.

most dominant colors in an image Machine learning projects with source code in Python
Machine learning projects with source code in Python

Check out the demo here…

21. Movie Recommendation System in 2 ways

Basically, I have performed Movie Recommendation System using two different ways. In the 1st way, we will use a user-movie matrix to find similarities.

Movie Recommendation System Machine learning projects with source code in Python
Machine learning projects with source code in Python

The simple intuition of this 2nd way is that we will be combining the main features like the cast, director, genres, etc., and observe similarities between them because most of the time similar directors make similar movies, similar casts like to perform in some similar specific types of movies.

22. Credit Card Fraud Detection

In this blog, we will be building a Credit Card Fraud Detection model which will be very simple and easy to understand. This is a very basic machine learning project which students basically do in their starting phase of machine learning. 

23. Face and Eye detection in cv2 using Haarcascades

A simple project in which we will see how we can perform face and eye detection in cv2 using Haarcascades. This is going to be a very easy and fun project. Remember it’s only detection and not recognition.

Check out the demo here…

24. Spam Detection using Count Vectorizer

In this blog, we will see how we can perform Spam detection in the simplest way possible with the help of a Count Vectorizer and Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm. 

Check out the demo here…

25. House Tax Prediction using Random Forest – Boston Housing Data

We will use the Random Forest algorithm to predict house tax. This is a simple project. I have used Boston Housing Data for this use case.

Check out the demo here…

Bonus Project:

Doctor-Patient Appointment System in Python using Flask

Hey guys, in this blog we will see a Doctor-Patient Appointment System for Hospitals built in Python using Flask. It is a very interesting project with lots of functionalities. So without any further due, let’s do it…

Main Page

Doctor-Patient Appointment System - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code

On the main page, we have total 5 options:

  • Patient Login
  • Doctor Login
  • Admin Login
  • Patient Registration
  • Doctor Registration

Patient Registration Page

Doctor-Patient Appointment System - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code
  • This is the Patient Registration Page where a Patient can register himself/herself by entering his/her details.
  • The details that are needed are First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Phone No, Login Password, and Address.
  • The Login Password should be of at least 8 characters and should contain numbers and alphabets.
  • As soon as the Patient fills in all his details and clicks on the Register button, the registration request is sent to the super admin who can either approve or delete the registration request.

Doctor Registration Page

Doctor-Patient Appointment System - Machine Learning Projects with Source Code


These are just a few examples of machine learning projects with source code that you can explore. GitHub, Kaggle, and other online platforms provide a wealth of open-source projects and datasets to get you started. Remember, the key to learning machine learning is hands-on practice and continuous experimentation.

So dive in, explore different algorithms, tweak hyperparameters, and have fun building intelligent systems with machine learning.

Read my last article – What is Data Science? How to start Data Science?

Check out my other machine learning projectsdeep learning projectscomputer vision projectsNLP projectsFlask projects at machinelearningprojects.net

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